Balalaika - Russian music instrument


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Russian music instrument


Dmitri Belinskiy article about Balalaika

Newspaper "Crimean truth".


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Music of the QUARTET "SKAZ"

Music record Balalaika solo and Domra solo

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Notes for an orchestra of Russian national musical instruments ( balalaika and domra ).
V.V.Andreev's edition, 1898 year.
(From Dmitry Belinskiy musical library)

Balalaikabalalaika balalayka


Balalaika, BalalaykaNobody exactly does not know, when appeared the balalaika on Russia. The First mentioning about her is found in old-time document under name.† УMemory from Streleckogo order in russian orderФ, is referring to1688. In he is spoken about arrest two farmers that Уplayed on balalaika and soldiers, costing on guard scoldedУ. The Balalaika, more then any other instrument capable to send the nature russian public canto, became the unchangeable companion celebration, walking, weddings, its quickly rising popularity promoted advancement from ambience russian musician persisting artist on balalaika.
One of first was a prominent fiddler and E. Handoshkin and courtier musician, bass of the Petersburg opera Lavrovskiy...
Much liked to listen the balalaika Pushkin, Lermontov, Varlamov, Gurilev, Tchaikovsky, Rimskiy-Korsakov... Once upon a time to known russian writer Lev Tolstoy someone look fat has arrived the known balalaika player B. Troyanovskiy, beside they took place the interesting conversation, recorded secretary of the writer D. Makovickiy:
У...In break, between play, the conversations, L. Tolstoy spoke that there is advantage of the violin and voice and there is advantage of the balalaika. In violin and voice†† tone, the main to fall into most point of the tone; in balalaika†† technology and rhythm. Afterwards Lev Tolstoy has noticed Troyanovskiy that in his setting russian song on balalaika - for instance, russian songs Barynia - there is change the tempo, this are broken the nature. On this have played once again УPivnaya jagodaФ, Lev Tolstoy had the smile...Ф
Since 1886 balalaika appears on scene: the first has emerged with her young russian nobleman V. Andreyev.
Balalaika - Vasiliy Andreev

Before Andreyev nobody paid no regard to that such music folk, as russian, has not in everyday life public music instruments. Andreyev creates Circle of the amateurs of the play on balalaika. After ingenious appearance, since 1888 begins creative activity of this group, a little later transformed in balalaika orchestra. In 1889 Andreyev balalaika players appear on Worlds exhibition in Paris. The Triumph their was an unusual.
Have Not heaved time to end the first appearances, but new fashionable perfume† appeared in high-class shop Paris УShines the monthФ,† lady toilet soap† УUnder apple treeФ Even long Andreyev boot become subject of the Parisian mode...
After one of the concerto ј. Glazunov writes big product, denoted orchestra V. V. Andreyev, hereunder, diffusing prejudice about limited possibility of his program. Liked to perform the canto in accompaniment of the orchestra F. Shalyapin. His first acquaintance with V. Andreyev, taken place in N. Novgorod, has altered by sawing since time in crowd friendship.
The Tireless propagandist of the remarkable russian public instrument of the balalaika, Andreyev constantly her improves. He gets acquainted with music master Semyon Nalimov, and on length of the many years they work together. In 1902 on Parisian exhibition and on Petersburg exhibition УMusic worldФ 1906 - 1907, instruments, made by Andreev advanced Balalaika and aging publicSemyon Nalimov on drawing and outline Andreyev, have got the Greater gold medals.
With formation Velikorusskogo orchestra, perceived as purely russian phenomena, are bound touring trips 1892 in Francium, Germany, England, America. The Result trip were a groups of ten new orchestra, created in these country. УThe Join-stock company to exploitations balalaika and russian gusliФ appeared In USA.
At day 25-year jubilee of the orchestra in salutatory speech F. Shalyapin, has said Andreyev:† You has warmed beside its good, warm heart orphan - a balalaika. From your care balalaika became in miraculous russian beauty, whole world conquered by its beauty...
The Balalaika got into most thick mass of the public masses. Except Andreyev, appeared much best performers on balalaika, were created orchestras public instrument. The Autumn 1918 he has undertaken the greater trip with its group, renamed to УFirst public orchestraФ, on North and East front of the civil war. But this trip was for Andreyev last: he powerfully caught cold and in night for December 26 1918 deceased.
The Deal commenced Andreyev, was supported, and has gained public importance. Many factories, special workshops, master - a skilled craftsman, release advanced Andreyev and Nalimov music public instruments, composers write product for balalaika, domra, ensembles and orchestras...

Balalaika today

Honoured artist of Russia,
president of the Russian Club musician-populist,
artist of the Russian concert Quartet "SKAZ"

Dmitry Belinskiy



Balalaika, balalayka










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Newspaper "Crimean truth", 1983


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